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   Audit It was cofounded by Stephan Spencer and Jim Sterne.

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The vast majority of Internet users find Web sites using search engines. Some surveys suggest more than 80% of users look first to search engines when looking for a Web site.
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Stephan M. SpencerStephan M. Spencer is Founder and President of Internet Concepts, LLC, a Web design firm with offices in Madison, Wisconsin and Auckland, New Zealand. Internet Concepts creates innovative Internet, intranet, and extranet sites with real-time response, Web access to corporate knowledgebases, and one-to-one marketing. For over six years, Mr. Spencer has been helping organizations strategize and implement dynamic, personalized, community-building Web sites. He is a frequent speaker at Internet conferences around the globe (including Berlin, London, Toronto, Santiago, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco). Mr. Spencer has been featured on the cover of In Business magazine. He served in 2000 as a columnist for the now defunct Building Online Business magazine, and is currently a columnist for Unlimited magazine. He is a contributor to Catalog Age magazine (upcoming June issue), NZ Management magazine, and NZ Marketing magazine.

Jim SterneSince 1994, Jim Sterne has devoted all of his attention to the Internet as a marketing medium. His insight and currency are assured by his experience as a founding partner of a regional Internet access provider and his activities as a consultant to some of the world's largest companies and innovative start-ups.

On Monday, September 27, 1993, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) released the first public version of its graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic. On Tuesday, September 27, 1994, Jim Sterne launched the world's first "Marketing on the Internet" seminar series. This eight-city tour introduced the United States to the possibilities of using the Internet for advertising, marketing, sales, and customer service.

In November, 1995, Jim Sterne's book, World Wide Web Marketing was published by John Wiley & Sons and his second book, Customer Service on the Internet, was published in October, 1996 (second edition, 2000). His third tome: What Makes People Click: Advertising on the Internet was released in September, 1997 and the fourth: E-Mail Marketing in 2000. The third edition of his widely acclaimed World Wide Web Marketing was released in June, 2001.

Jim Sterne has presented his unique perspective on Internet marketing at conferences around the world, and has lectured at the University of California, Stanford University, and MIT. He stays active as a public speaker and as a consultant, helping each client set Internet marketing goals and determine customer relationship strategies.

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